Stress is a negative emotional experience that is associated with chemical changes in the brain, changes in information processing, psychological and behavioral changes.
These changes are a mechanism for changing a stressful event or changing its effects.
Events such as new job, interview, marriage, death of loved ones, happiness, etc. are among the stressors.
In general, events that are negative, uncontrollable, vague, and overwhelming, or related to the main issues of a person's life, are more stressful than events that are positive, controllable, clear, manageable or related to the issues of life.
People are different from the same stress.
People react to stress in different ways, which is called coping.
One of the human needs is to be caressed in public
Love and caress is a need that is not recognized in our culture. Expressing love to each other in the presence of others is usually not pleasant.
Even at home and in front of children.
What society has not learned is the separation of sexual and emotional behavior.
Every kind of romantic relationship is seen with sexual issues.
Sex is the only thing a man and woman should hide from others, and it is completely private.
Others include children.
Children should not notice their parents having sex with each other.
But not an emotional relationship, there is no reason to hide it at all. Contrary to popular belief, this is also the need of children.
The most important factor in the happiness and health of a family is the love of a man and a woman.
Children need to know that their parents are in love too.
Parents' love for each other is the most important reason for their children's healthy growth.
Children should see the beauty of this love and affection.
Their two-person laughter
And they have to see their passion for each other.
They need to see how their parents express their love for each other and enjoy being together.
Men and women also need caresses.
They got married because of this need. They like to express their love for each other.
Receive caresses and attention from each other. They want others to see their happiness.
We all have imaginary spectators in our lives who would like to know something about us.
We can not imagine that we are not important to anyone and no one is happy with our happiness.
Man and woman love each other has the most beautiful earthly feelings,
It is also the most important reason that we are good parents to our children.
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