Treatment of leg varicose veins:
Conservative treatment is usually the first choice of physicians in the face of varicose veins; Because surgery and invasive intervention, in addition to their advantages, always have major disadvantages and the possibility of recurrence of varicose veins will still exist.
The first advice to patients with varicose veins is to change their lifestyle and eating habits. Quitting smoking, controlling obesity, regular exercise and not standing for long periods of time will have beneficial results.
Varicose compression socks:
In addition, it is usually advisable to use varicose socks with elastic and compressive properties in these patients. In fact, applying pressure to dysfunctional veins, such as a muscle contraction, helps blood flow to the heart. Varicose socks should also be worn at night to get the best results. Choosing the right varicose socks is very important in terms of comfort and effectiveness. To choose the right socks, your feet should be measured in the morning when you wake up and before you get out of bed. For this purpose, to choose leggings, the knee should be bent 90 degrees and the sole of the foot should be completely on the ground, and the length of the leg, the thinnest part and the thickest part of the leg should be measured. In addition to the right size of varicose socks, its degree of rigidity and elasticity is also important and should be chosen with the opinion of a doctor.
Surgical treatment and modern methods:
Surgical intervention is considered when previous methods, such as lifestyle changes or the use of varicose socks, are not effective enough, or the cosmetic issue is of great importance to the patient. However, surgical procedures to remove varicose veins are not commonly performed due to newer and less invasive procedures. In varicose vein surgery, after anesthesia, a piece of blood vessel that has lost its normal shape is cut and removed.
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